HNet Phase 3
The current phase of the project, HNET Phase 3, runs from May 2021 to April 2024. It is funded as a CLIMIT Demo project, with financing from Gassnova, Equinor, Shell, TotalEnergie, Viridien and the Northern Lights Joint Venture DA.
Project participants are NORSAR, University of Bergen, Equinor, Shell, TotalEnergies and Viridien.
Project goals
The project is focused on improved assessment of natural seismicity in support of planned CO2 storage projects on the Horda Platform region, starting with the Northern Lights Phase 1 project and also for future CO2 storage projects. At this stage we are therefore focused on understanding natural background seismicity prior to start of injection.
Research activities
- Improved earthquake detection by deploying broadband seismometers in advanced configurations
- Smarter and more efficient ways of real-time data collection, processing, and interpretation
- Improved understanding of earthquake catalogues and seismic hazard.
Main activities
- Operation of the HNAR seismic array
- Testing of offshore deployment of ocean bottom seismometers
- Advanced data analysis and interpretation research:
- Automatic routines for joint processing of offshore nodes and onshore data
- Improvement of the regional velocity model
- Routine use of waveform correlation methods
- Hazard assessment and data integration.